prophetic not project

I am sensitive about people being projects, but I have found that there is a little bit of tension with this when there’s prophetic vision and prayer that God gives about another.

When we have this, people are still not projects to be disappointed in when they are not ‘performing better’ or showing growth, but they are ones who we need to pray for and take hold of the prophetic to declare in prayer who this person is and what God has for them.

The shift is then taken from the person and their behaviour (project-style), to agreeing with God and declaring what He has said- no matter what we see or feel or experience in the natural.

the Artist’s impression

As I was walking through my local park, the path ahead of me looked like a picture of an “artist’s impression”! As I was walking along the path, I thought how God also has an “Artist’s impression” of how things should look on earth. He tells us to pray for His Kingdom and His will to be on earth as it is in Heaven- His Kingdom where there is no sickness, sin etc; a place of peace, love, community, worship.

As we read His Word, we can be fully aware of what His will is for us and our communities. And His Word is never to puff us up with knowledge, but to show us how to live and how we need to agree with Him.

Like in the natural, the picture of an artist’s impression is to show how things are expected to look, but this is only if the works goes ahead to take down the old and start to rebuild unto completion. This is not a quick fix or simple work. This takes energy, finance, different units working together- councils, builders, architects, removals…etc. And just like His Kingdom coming to earth- everyone is needed. There are different timings of when things need to be done. You can’t bring in the planning at the end of the building.. and you can’t build before taking down the old. This calls for us to respect each other and to know the times and seasons.

Let us remember that as believers in Christ, we are all on the same team and not in competition with each other.

Let us tear down, destroy and overthrow what the enemy has built, and let us build and plant the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in Heaven.

men no longer fighting

Back in the day, the men would leave home and their families to go out and fight for their country. Now they are absent from their families but they are no longer fighting for anything either.

There seems to be generations of men who have not been drafted for any fight and neither are they at home building a safe place for their children. They are AWOL.

Men- the fight is still on- it is just different. There is a continual fight always coming against family, against marriage, against integrity, against Truth… It may not be a fight against flesh and blood, but the fight against powers of darkness and evil spirits is always on. You have been drafted.

You have been built for war. Be courageous and fight.

Stay at home. Build your family. Be faithful. Fight for your wife. Fight for your children’s future. Fight for men. Fight for women. Fight for Truth.

And remember, men fight alongside each other, not alone. Find your comrades and brothers in arms.

the promise will provide

There is growing evidence that when a woman is pregnant the baby will provide healing to organs and also help heal tissue. This is amazing to me and parallel to how it is spiritually when we are pregnant with what God has for us to host. I truly believe that the natural speaks of the spiritual. So let’s rest assured that what God has called us to host during a promise season, will in itself bring healing and strength and resource for what is needed to grow and develop.

the work can’t be outsourced

Unfortunately(!?) none of us can outsource the work that we need to grow for strength. We cannot ask someone to go to the gym for us or to eat healthy for us while we get on with our days. We can’t just watch youtube on healthy living and fitness programmes and become healthy and fit- we must participate, invest, make sacrifices, make good judgements, learn to say no.. And this is the same for spiritual strength, character, marriage, raising children…

Let us not be deceived into thinking that a pill can make us healthy and we can go on eating what we want, or even that knowledge will help us in our marriages without us having to work it out.. Youtube cannot grow our spiritual muscles, and our kids won’t be raised on money being thrown at them in place of time and teaching.

There is a deep deception in the western culture that it is always someone else’s job, and we have become lulled into thinking that we hold no accountability and that we can throw money at stuff and everything will be okay..

Strength, character, perseverance, revelation, relationship, wisdom.. None of these are microwavable, outsourceable, or anybody else’s responsibility but our own.

The great thing about this- is that whether rich or poor- we all have the opportunity to grow and develop what really matters in life. Not one of us can buy what really matters.

Jesus Christ is NOT a rapist

Photo by Kat Jayne on

I was watching some documentaries about different spirituality groups and was so devastated to see and hear testimonies of how some spiritual leaders have totally abused their position to abuse people who revere them, and who are searching for help and truth. Within all of my being I am desperately in pain for those who suffer at the hands of those who hold positions of spiritual guidance.

One thing I know to be true is that Jesus Christ is NOT a rapist. He will not abuse your free will. He is the only One that respects your free will.

It is so deeply painful and devastating when those who are representing Truth are the ones to hurt and abuse others.

We must never allow people to be The Way to God, but must always look to Jesus Himself.

We have all been given access to God through Jesus and therefore don’t need any other man to stand between us. We obviously need each other and it is into a family that God has adopted us into. But we have a duty of protection for our own beings to get to know the God of the Bible and not any false god of man.

In my own journey, as I am sure of most people, I have been around church and teaching in which I have confessed to God that I love Him and Jesus, but if this is what being a christian is, then I am not it.

God is Love. He is Light. There is no darkness in Him. There is no abuse of any kind. The cost of following Christ is all that we are and have, but it is all within the boundaries of Love and through the conviction of the Holy Spirit- NOT by the teaching, condemnation, pressure, or greed of man or religion.

We need to check and know the real Jesus Christ out for ourselves so that we are able to discern Truth from all the lies, and the Light in all the darkness. The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit will lead and guide us into all Truth, so let us be wise and invite the Holy Spirit of God to lead us. I am not advocating becoming independent; but wise, and people who know our God for ourselves. If we don’t know Him for ourselves then we will fall for teaching that has been corrupted by man through the deception of the devil who wants our absolute destruction.

Winston Churchill is quoted as saying that “in war time truth is so precious that it has to be protected with a bodyguard of lies”. And this is what we see with the enemy of our souls. He surrounds Truth with deception and lies. He understands that there is a war for the souls of men. Even if he makes it one degree away the truth, it is now corrupted.

Keep pursuing Truth and allow Love to light up the only Way to God and fullness of Life through Jesus Christ.

We are LOVED. We need to know what and who Love is so that we can discern what it isn’t.

the grit of the harvest field

Over these last few weeks while praying for the harvest for Freedom and Life, instead of having visions of harvest fields full of ripe trees with the sun shining, I’ve had visions of battlefields and bringing the wounded soldiers back from the front-line of war. Instead of fuzzy sunny colours of romance, it is more like a scene from black and white, gritty war films.

This surprised me at first because as church, we are always romanticising and excited about the harvest of souls, but I am becoming more aware that this is gritty and strong work. It is messy work and it is a long-term commitment.

The great thing is, is that God Almighty is with us 🙂 He is not intimidated or put off by spiritual toxins coming out with shrieks and screams, nor is He worried about the mess that comes with the blood, sweat and tears that bring and establish freedom. For this is what He has trained us for.

When things start getting gritty around you and become more and more grey, keep your armour on, keep your faith high, and keep going. Know the voice of your Commander and keep close to your troop.

built in resistance/immune system

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Being made in the image of God- Jehovah Rapha- the God who heals, we have amazing bodies that know how to fight against viruses and illness, and that can heal themselves. It is so amazing to see the in-built healing process of a cut on our skin, or how we can build our immune through contracting a bug..

When we feel down and like our systems are being attacked with a bug or virus, we need to remember that this is the time when our bodies are working the hardest to fight everything that does not belong. It reminds me that when we are weak, then we are strong. This doesn’t make sense to our brains. But our bodies are a witness to this.

When a “virus” in the form of fear or depression or a physical condition, this is when we come into attack mode. Where we need to enhance our focus of fight. Just as our bodies come against a bug in our system- it can make us feel weak, but this is making sure that we can rest while our bodies are given full focus to attack the bug/virus. Sometimes, when we feel under spiritual attack, we must bring our spirits into fight mode but from a place of rest..

Kingdom principles will always seem the opposite of what we would do by default or human understanding, but if we submit ourselves under the Highest Authority of Life, then we can be sure that we are on the best pathway for our lives.

do we have our weapon…?

As a christian, I have armour to wear in Christ for living the Christian lifestyle. I also have one weapon. This weapon is a sword. And the Sword is the Word of God. Ephesians 6.10-20.

If we don’t know the Word of God, we go into battles totally vulnerable, and all we can do is defend ourselves from attack. But God has not called us to only defend, He is calling us to advance and take back ground that the enemy has stolen and robbed. God has given us authority to engage in spiritual warfare. To use the Word of God to speak to the unseen realm and circumstances the Truth of what God is saying and to declare who He is, over and above what is seen and presented as ‘truth’.

God is Truth. When we know Truth, we are set free. When we declare Truth, we declare war and advance into territories that are for our taking hold of.

Our fighting is not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual powers that wage war against us. That wages war against our families, our destinies, our communities, our nation, our economy, our health..

God is The Word. And we need to know The Word so that we can march to the beat of His heart. So that we can be fully trained into hearing His voice and His instruction. So that we can know when to fight and when to rest. So that we can know what to declare over our lives, situations, nation, circumstance.

We need to know our God so that we can know how to use our weapon. So that we can do mighty exploits. Our weapon is mighty to bring down strongholds. We MUST become so at one with our weapon that our hand and the Sword become fused together.

Become free. Get to know Truth. And then declare war..


This evening while praying at Church, I kept getting the word ‘return’ come to mind. I prayed but it wouldn’t go. It became more and more dominant in my thinking and as I kept on praying it through, it became more and more strong. I am so convinced that this is a multifaceted word from God. When I first heard it, I started to pray for a friend to ‘return’. It then developed into returning to God. As I prayed more, it then became a command to the enemy to ‘return’ all that he has stolen. And then later became about the ‘return’ on the investment that God has put in us!

So I’m just going to prayer-write… Lord God, I thank you that in Your amazing greatness, You desire to speak to us- mere and puny humans! But made amazingly in Your incredible image! God, thank you for everything You are and everything You encompass. You blow our minds!

God, I pray into this word “return” and God I speak and declare and write for prodigals to return. For them to be filled and moved with the Spirit of the Living God that draws them back to You. That whether they knowingly left you or not, we have all come from You and You are our source of Life and so to You we need to return. God, I pray that You would move in the hearts of man to hear Your calling and feel Your drawing of them into Your arms of love and power and protection. God, I speak against all shame and self-protection and arrogance and hindrance and declare the clarity of Your word and tone of Love to be stronger than all and every deception and hurdle. I pray Your Light would come streaming into minds, into hearts, into beings, and would dispel and evict all darkness and lazer through chains and prison doors to bring Freedom and Truth and Power. I speak new life to be birthed and come forth this very day and for Your Church to be ready and excited, and not with resentment like the prodigal’s older son. God, teach us Your incredible Love and open heart and help us to reflect and demonstrate Who our God is to those around us and ‘returning’.

I also pray Lord Jesus that we would demand a ‘return’ of all that has been stolen from us by the enemy and declare that he return everything that has been stolen and robbed from us. I declare that mental health to be returned. For friendships to be returned. For marriages and families to be ‘returned’. For everything- from years of darkness and deception, innocence, health, relationships, work- EVERYTHING that has been taken- to be RETURNED in the mighty name of Jesus Christ! With man all this is impossible. How innocence be returned? But with You, God, ALL things are possible.

God, I pray as well about the investment that You have put in us. I pray Lord God that You would help us to bring You a great ‘return’ for all Your investment and would learn more and more how to grow our capacity to grow Your investment within us.

Lord God, You are able to bless bread and see the feeding of many, and then with leftovers. I pray Lord God that this word would be like that- it would ‘feed’ many and would have overflow. I pray that the word that You speak would go out on angel assignments in every area of what the word signifies, and accomplish ALL that You desire and achieve the purpose for which You sent it.

God, I thank you that You are so amazingly great and mighty and able and willing. You are so proactive in pursuing us and calling us. You just amaze us! Your heart for us is massive and You are uncontainable. God, I thank you that when we first start to pray, it is perhaps about the one, but then becomes about the multitudes! You go after the one, and also the ‘all’. You are in the tiniest detail of our lives, and yet the earth is Your footstool! Earth cannot contain You and yet You live within each of us who invite You in! You are so MORE!

God Almighty, help us in knowing how to treasure and wield words that You give us. Teach us how to be precise in our authority that comes from our identity in You.

Thank you so much that Your heart is so much stronger than ours. And that Your Love and patience is beyond anything we can imagine. Thank you so much for who You are. You amaze us. Majorly.

In the name of Jesus I pray, with hope and expectation and excitement! May Your will be done, and may we see heaven and earth collide in kairos beauty and power. Amen.