when the wolf comes with tacos..

When the wolf (or enemy of your soul) comes to your door, he may bring with him tacos… or something else that your appetite/flesh desires. It is not that tacos or what you desire is bad. It is just that if they come via the delivery of the wolf, then they have not been prepared in a clean and pure environment but with poison and laced with all kinds of strings and consequences.

The wolf knows exactly what it is that we will be tempted by. We have been studied by him and he has been around mankind for a lot longer than we have, and so has time and experience on his side.

Most desires of the human heart are not bad desires- some of them are genuine and pure- that God Himself has put within us and created for us to pursue.


Shut the door on it straight away so that he does not get a foot in the door to gain further access. He is NOT your friend. He is NOT your helper. He wants to DESTROY you.

He might bring you everything your heart desires, but it is LACED!

learn, don’t try

A lot of us will say “I’ll try to do that” and it kind of gives us a sense of possible expected failure or get out clause to the commitment of completion or

However, if we are to change “try” for “learn” then this gives a totally different opportunity- to give ourselves permission to grow into something new and not set
out expecting that it will not actually happen.