potted instead of planted

In the western culture we seem to be potted in all these single pots which stunts and limits growth and connection.

And if we as people are like this, then what we are building will also have this culture, which includes the church. We can see this in most towns and cities- each church is potted and has its own pot with its own roots and disconnection.

But this isn’t how we have been designed- as people, as church, as community. We were designed to grow and be connected and be strong and have roots that are not shallow and limited but intertwined and deep.

If we see the difference between planted and potted plants, there is such a difference in strength, stature, connection and benefit. And yet as humans (in the west) we seem to desire to stay potted and disconnected and therefore fall short of so many benefits of life and growth.

We want the easy maintenance than the harder work. But in actual fact, when we grow wild and free we are less bothered with perfection and more able to enjoy beauty of life’s fullness.

We can also see that when we are planted then we can grow naturally rather than in containment and confinement. We will reproduce without even the intention as that is the design, whereas in pots, seeds drop and are blown away or taken and potted elsewhere in other pots..

This is so parallel to how we live and we think that we are advancing, whereas we have so much mental health pain, isolation, stunted growth in lives, relationship brokenness, etc..

Let’s take ourselves from the picture perfect pottedness and get ourselves planted in the wide open spaces. Let us live larger and beyond ourselves and interconnect our roots with others so that we can become stronger together.

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