fighting to build

When we desire something- a job, a person, a situation, a revival, whatever- there is so much work that is put in to chase this vision down and secure it. But then once it is secured and the honeymoon period is over, how many of us actually continue to fight and chase this for building on, in, and with it? 

It seems that we are able to do short spurts of energy investment, but what about the long haul of investment- when it is tiring, thankless, unromantic, hard work and without much reward? 

Whether we are people of faith or not, the spiritual discipline is a general principle..  if we give up we won’t reap the reward in which was the reason why we first started- whether this is for a relationship, revival, working vision etc.. 

Talking (and writing) is easy. But what about living it? This is where the truth of our convictions will show through and if we are actually building to last or just building to flex..

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